Alumni Details

Kenneth Bates, BS

Major: Public Health – General Track, Class of 2014

Position: Community Coordinator

Agency: Intergra ServiceConnect

Graduate Student: Master of Healthcare Administration (MHA), College of St. Elizabeth

Kenneth is currently employed by Integra ServiceConnect as a Community Coordinator where he works with work with other insurance companies to conduct case management. Kenneth spends much of his time out in the field, conducting assessments, setting up doctors’ appointments and transportation, and helping his clients manage their health better by getting them to doctors before something worse happens to their health.  He also provides health education to members, building their knowledge and skills so that they may better advocate for their own health.  Kenneth says that much of the information that he learned at WPU he uses on a day-to-day basis, especially the material he learned in his many nutrition courses. Kenneth works with many urban, lower income clients who suffer with diabetes and who need counseling on nutrition, especially when they have limited funds and resources for health.  Kenneth estimates that because of the services that he provides, he has kept at least 50% of his diabetic members from going back to the emergency room due to diabetic management issues related to their eating habits.  Kenneth also states: “I owe a lot to what I learned at WPUNJ in the public health program and do not think I would be where I am today without it.” (October, 2015)